
About Me

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Stella Lyy.She is a pretty awsome girl.(In her dream) and 38 sometimes.She is short,fat and pimple face,but she can express her feeling in anytime even happy or sad.She always last minute and unresponsible of what she is doing,but she can put all the effort if she wants.Kay,She is from SMK Assunta,Petaling Jaya.Selangor,Malaysia.Her birthday is 1st October e every year.She hopes she can be a perfect girl who is tall,thin,slim and smart as well. =) Enjoy it ^^

Monday 30 May 2011

the end~

She passed away today afternoon. She finally gone from a sad bady to a wonderful world. Of course we sad when we heard it.
But anyway,we should pray for her... have a good journel. We will LOVE u MISS you <3


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