
About Me

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Stella Lyy.She is a pretty awsome girl.(In her dream) and 38 sometimes.She is short,fat and pimple face,but she can express her feeling in anytime even happy or sad.She always last minute and unresponsible of what she is doing,but she can put all the effort if she wants.Kay,She is from SMK Assunta,Petaling Jaya.Selangor,Malaysia.Her birthday is 1st October e every year.She hopes she can be a perfect girl who is tall,thin,slim and smart as well. =) Enjoy it ^^

Saturday 28 May 2011


Actually i have no mood to write this blog and don't know how to continue it.
I just wanna wake you up .... PLEASE AWAKE PLEASE ...everyone was worrying about you... ='(

I'm so sad when they dicussing about pet mom's funeral, I'm lost and wanna cry.When they asked my mommy about  my pet mom cause my know well her, my mom was crying and answering them. I saw after and I went beside her and try to consule her. I cried cause she was sad. When i saw her, i was heart breaking. Breaking about her sad. Mommy keeping to wake her up and she was tired. 

Haiz.... This is a bad holiday for me.Wish she can wake up. I'll be pray for her. 


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