
About Me

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Stella Lyy.She is a pretty awsome girl.(In her dream) and 38 sometimes.She is short,fat and pimple face,but she can express her feeling in anytime even happy or sad.She always last minute and unresponsible of what she is doing,but she can put all the effort if she wants.Kay,She is from SMK Assunta,Petaling Jaya.Selangor,Malaysia.Her birthday is 1st October e every year.She hopes she can be a perfect girl who is tall,thin,slim and smart as well. =) Enjoy it ^^

Friday 30 September 2011


Hmmm... Firstly,happy birthday to myself. And thanked mommy. you gave me a big big surprise.
In the morning,she present me a bag. I though the bad was hers because it is branded.Then,mommy said this is for my present in this year.WOOOH~!~!~!~!happy.
Later,mommy called me.I though she chatting with me like normal.Suddenly,she spoke out a surprise.She said that I am involve for the CNY shooting and comfirm me at sameday to record the song, but just 1 song.I was like HUH?WHAT?AHHH....XD

And just now, pet dad called me to wished me.I felt happiness and touching.Thank you for the wished and thank you you din forget my birthday.I <3 you ,kai ye <3 <3 <3
This can said that my dream some true.Anyway,just concentrate what you are going on.GOOD LUCK. ALL THE BEST.!!!

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