
About Me

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Stella Lyy.She is a pretty awsome girl.(In her dream) and 38 sometimes.She is short,fat and pimple face,but she can express her feeling in anytime even happy or sad.She always last minute and unresponsible of what she is doing,but she can put all the effort if she wants.Kay,She is from SMK Assunta,Petaling Jaya.Selangor,Malaysia.Her birthday is 1st October e every year.She hopes she can be a perfect girl who is tall,thin,slim and smart as well. =) Enjoy it ^^

Saturday 7 July 2012


我真的感受了被嘲笑的滋味,真得很不好受。 当一个人的努力不被支持反而得到了充满的嘲笑,令当事人很反感! 很像退缩,想找一个洞把自己躲起来!!! 

真的受够了!! 一个人的忍耐是有限的。 

Saturday 5 May 2012

2012 of me

Hi, good morning. Have been long time din't update here. Well, here we start.
First of all, im glad to be a form 4's student because this is the year I really can enjoy SMK Assunta's events like SEWO, Lit Night Fun Hunt and more...

Seriuosly, I almost gave up at the final stage I never hope that my group will win and i just fulfill as a leader's job to teach and just it. But sometimes, I don't why they will scare at me when I correct them, may be my look was showed tension or what.SORRY GIRLS.HAHA. 

Our best enemy, Silver-stepper (if not mistaken).Thank you guys appeared during rehearsing, you guys made our life more colourful.HAHA. Sorry for the misunderstanding.Keep it on, I know all of you can do it. Nest year champion ship is waiting for you , SILVER- STEPPER. 

A specially thanks to Mdm.Yeong , Yu Shi, Sweet Mae , Tiff and all the crews. Thank you. Thank you for the helping us, thank you for the criticisms , thank you fort the ideas, thank you for the wishing... THANK YOU. Mdn. Yeong, we done for you. We love you! <3   

See, this is our group LAST MINUTE! Thank you for the cooperation and spirit we spend. Especially Jolynn and Bibi Yang,THANK YOU. If not you guys helping us to make the cd, I think we will lost and tension for the cd stuff. I will never forget our sweet practice time and the spirit we effort we used. Please forgive and forget my attitudes while practicing.

Hui Theng, Shivon, Carmen, Lynn, Sin Hooi, Kah Ling, Yun Wei.You guys made my life more meaningful. THANK YOU <3 


will be continue...

Friday 20 January 2012


Wuhoo~! Its time to update my baby!
Here, wish all the chinese HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! GONG XI FA CAI, HONG BAO YI GE LAI~! <3
But sadly, Im celebrate at Genting for one week.But, nevermine salary double up ,big ang pao ever~! <3 <3 <3 And... that day is the date we started ...4 months anniversary ~! wuhoo~! But sadly, my phone was at mommy there =(... Nevermine , think of mommy testing us. =P
Hey hey hey, I-phone 4S, purse , double up salary are my best ang pao ever of this year.~!~!~! =P

crazy look. =P

Friday 6 January 2012

Thanks God

Finally,I got in science stream! Of course Im happy but my gang was totally separated.There are 7 in my gang --> Sc1,Sc3,Sc4,Sc5,A1,A2 and C3.Omg, seriously damn whey!Although we are in different classes,but our friendship is cannot separate it.<3

I promised to them i will study from this year, I can do it.This time no more relaxing,need to fight for the SPM next year. They think that form 4 is a honey moon year, but I think nope.I shall cover back what Im did in 3 years past, actually Im regretting for this.So? That already past tense, just study hard and study smart for this following 2 years.Im appreciated what I had now,and finally Im 'AWAKE'!!!

Even though will be pressure and stressful during this 2 years, but Im sure I can do it well to get a great result and over sea with schoolaship to cover their economy even Im a only child.=)) Daddy and Mommy, WAIT FOR ME! <3

Monday 2 January 2012


Although we had celebrated with you,but anyway  HAPPY BIRTHDAY once again.Wish your wishes will come true.God bless you.
And sorry for that day.

Time flied so so so fast, today is last of holiday which means tomorrow is the new start for me.GAMBATEH!!!
And today also he come back to KL.Wish him have a save trip at there.God bless you.

Sunday 1 January 2012

Today,have fun with them.We bought some special present to her for her birthday this year.I bought her skate around the skating club but i let her go when she was falling.XD and more...
The conclusion of today, TODAY IM SO HAPPY TOH!!!!

Saturday 31 December 2011


对,没错,今天已经是2011年的最后一天。还有15小时30分钟倒数 &迎接2012的到来,蛮期待它的到来。既然是最后一天,当然会有一些不舍。所谓‘旧的不去,新的怎么会来’?习惯就好。


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